Thursday, September 3, 2015

Lucky Enough

Last night I had a typical "night in the life of a parent."  In my house, when my children are sick, sad, upset, hurt, anxious, or in any way unhappy they run to me.  In my house, mommy makes everything better.  Of course when they are happy and content they want nothing more than to run around with daddy.  Mommy gets the happy moments every now and again but daddy just brings out that wild playful side like no other.  Somehow I think there is a bit of a disconnect somewhere but that's alright, as long as they are happy, healthy and taken care of, I'm good.

Anyway last night my husband had to work late, well past the kids' bedtime so as always he called to say good-night.  As I tucked my children into bed and their little faces slowly drop and tears ran down their cheeks because daddy wasn't going to be home for bedtime, I saw that wonderful moment every parent hopes to see.

The two of them, who didn't stop fighting all day long, snuggled into my bed, grasped each others hand and put their heads against each other.  They began to talk about how much they wanted daddy home and how much they missed him.  As I watched from the doorway I realized that the bond my children (secretly) hold is so wonderful and strong and I am so blessed to have them.

They slowly began to giggle and eventually laugh and looked at me with so much joy when I walked into the room.  They asked me to lay with them (as if I would ever decline) and watch a show with them before bed.  As I crawled into bed with them and they laid on top of me I couldn't help but get that little lump in my throat because I was so happy and yet I knew that school is just around the corner so these nights will be far and few between.  I swallowed hard and just let them drift off to sleep while I laid there, covered in sweat and drool.  It was a perfect night.

Unfortunately, a few hours later I was awakened by my daughter who wasn't feeling well. She is getting a cold and her nose was too stuffy to breath through so it woke her up.  She HATES taking medicine so we tried everything but that, which of course took hours.  After about 2 hours of that awful sniffling I demanded she take medicine, she of course wanted to fight me to the death but in the end she conceded.  Wouldn't you know it, 15 minutes later, she was out, and so was I.  Cock-eyed, covered in medicine, and sharing a twin sized bed with my daughter, but out none-the-less.

My slumber didn't last long, 30 mins later my husband woke me up to go lay with my son who had woken up with his alarm.  Great.  Usually when my son is up, he's up for the day.  I begged him to go back to sleep, promising snuggles and as many stuffed animals as he wanted to bring.  He must've sensed the desperation in my voice because thankfully he gave in and off to sleep we went.  It didn't last more than an hour but it was an hour I was very grateful for.

When he asked me to go out into the living room with him I was reluctant but knew that it was time to get up whether I wanted to or not.  The day had begun.  Breakfast and his favorite shows and more snuggle time while his sister slept soundly (thank goodness) in her bed for the next 3 hours.

As I write this now, they are playing, and fighting, and the house is full of toys.  If someone was to walk in here right now they would wonder if we knocked off a Toys R Us.  This is my life, and I love it.  I wouldn't change it or trade it for anything in the world.

Soon they'll be off to school and I will be so sad, so lonely, and missing them so very much.  All the sleepless nights, all the fighting, every tight month because we are a one income family, every hurdle, every hard time....none of it matters.  For everything that seems negative, there is so much more that is positive.  One "I Love You Mom", one smile, one giggle, one snuggle, one look....makes everything worth it.  My children are my life.  I love them with every fiber of my being and I am so blessed to have them.

Even though I have more to say in this blog, my kids wants some lunch, and they come first.  They are the most important people in the world to me.  They are my children, and I am lucky enough to be their mommy <3