Monday, August 29, 2016

Just Because

I'd like to address an issue that has been bugging the hell out of me for quite a while now.  Since it's 4:30 in the morning and I've been up for hours and I'm feeling a bit little bitchy lets just do it now. Enjoy :)

I am a 33 year old woman.  I have been married for 10 years (Tom), have 2 beautiful children (Katie 9, Brian 7) we have one dog(Joey) and live in a housing development just outside of town and have so for over 11 years.  My husband works and I am a stay at home mom.  To so many my life seems pretty ordinary, probably pretty boring.  Well that's ok, that's your opinion.

I happen to be a mom who likes to have fun.  We play all day during the summer, go on the boat (swim, fish, ride, etc.) on the weekends and some evenings during the week, we go to the beach and meet up with friends and everyone just hangs out and we play in the water with our kids.  We go for hikes, walks and "adventures".  We bake muffins and cookies at random times.  We bust out a pajama day in the middle of the week just because.  We get dessert before dinner, etc.  These things we don't do all the time, but they are just a few little things we do to keep things fun and interesting around here.

Since I am not exactly the "traditional" mom type, why in the world would it shock anyone if I dressed like one?  I buy my clothes in the Junior section at every store I go to.  I still wear either hip hugging or skinny jeans and it's mostly tanks and t-shirts for this girl unless it's winter then it's usually leggings and a shirt.  

I may be a mom but just because you are a mom does NOT mean you strap on your granny panties, pull on some "mom jeans" that make your ass go on for days it seems, then throw on a shirt that says "World's Greatest Mom" just because it hides that fact that your once perky rack is now capable of being a hacky sack set.  

Oh and it's OK for parents to have tattoos people. It doesn't mean we beat our kids or drink and do drugs.  In fact tattoo's are nothing more than pieces of art on a canvas.  The canvas just happens to be skin.  I can see if a parents' tattoo said "Go F*ck Yourself" then yeah, maybe cover that one up for the school Christmas concert but otherwise be who you are. 

Another thing is if you see a mother in a bathing suit just do us all a favor and shut the hell up. Whether she is big, small, covered in stretch marks or doesn't have one just shut up.  Growing a human being and then birthing that child is truly amazing and only a woman can do it.  She should be proud of that.  Of course  having a baby is going to change her body...hello it's a HUMAN GROWING INSIDE ANOTHER HUMAN!!!  Get it now?  So if she decides that wearing a bikini even though she has some pudge on her or her belly looks like she was mauled by a tiger, you give her respect.  Especially if she's the mother of your children.  

As a mom, it gets really overwhelming sometimes.  You literally lose yourself completely which is hard enough.  The hardest parts come when someone else judges you for something stupid and suddenly your whole perspective is thrown off because some jackass has an "opinion."  Then you question everything about yourself,  Your looks, personality, how your parenting type is affecting your children and where the hell you belong besides with your kids.

Enough already.  Life is hard enough.  Being a good mom is the most important thing in my life and in so many of my friend's lives.  So if I or anyone of my friends want to go to the beach in a bikini and we just happen to have a belly that has stretch marks well too damn bad, don't look at me if it bothers you.  If I want to wear a shirt that just so happens to fit me and my daughter then that's my decision, not yours.  If I go for a walk in my short shorts and tank top with my hair all a mess, well I guess that's just ok now isn't it?!  If I am shopping with my children and I am looking for new jeans and I'm in the Juniors section don't give me that "what she trying to do be a teenager again?!"  The answer is no, I'm just wearing the clothes you want to be able to wear when you're my age sweetheart.  

And that folks completes my don't piss my off anymore especially when I'm wearing my bitchy pants at 4:30am blog.  Thanks for reading.