Saturday, July 27, 2013

8 legged freaks

Sitting at camp this year I realized I have total and COMPLETE arachnophobia.  I HATE friggen spiders, and since I am writing this at almost midnight thirty there is no doubt in my mind that one of those little bastards is going to invade my slumber when I finally do fall asleep tonight and give me one hell of a nightmare if he doesn't appear in the flesh so if I piss the bed tonight you all know why.  OR if I awake with a spider bite, let it be known that I am predicting it....I am a freaking psychic tonight.  I should start a hotline.

I have spotted more of these 8 legged little shits this year than I have in the last 30 years since we have been coming up here, and I have to say I'm about over it.  Case in point...I was putting Katie in bed tonight and she was saying how there was a "spider web" in the corner of the room which was really a cob web (it's camp - of course it is) so I got Uncle Johnny to get rid of it cause I ain't touching it and of course he got rid of it and all was well.  She went to bed and I came out into the living room and BAM there was a bitching spider right on the ceiling in the living room.  John walked right under it, and there was a room full of people in the room and no one saw it.  It saw me, I'm telling you it was like looking at me and waiting for me to come out of that room so it could scare the crap out of me.

Of course I got John to kill it cause once again I ain't touching it....So he did, if it wasn't for him I would've turned around the second I got here because these damn things are everywhere.  Where do they come from anyway?!  One minute all is well, the next BAM there they are.  It's ridiculous and terrifying.

I think it's safe to say that one of the most terrifying moment came when I was trying to leave the bathroom (it was only number 1) and a big black spider was "blocking" my exit my crawling over the top of the door. I knew that if I went out he was going to jump on my back or in my hair and I would have flipped out.  I screamed for my dad to come in and kill it (which is equally ridiculous cause he's scared to he just doesn't admit it).  So after what seemed like an hour the deed was done and I ran out barely escaping with my sanity.

I know every insect serves a purpose but man I can really do without these 8 legged freaks.  You know how you freak yourself out when something really bugs you?!  I seriously "felt" something was "crawling" on me in bed one night and almost knocked my husband the hell out.  I'm telling you phobia's are a bitch and so are spiders.....(shudder)

Well I'm off to bed - wish me luck that there aren't any in my room..

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