Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Enjoying the ride :)

So to my surprise, I received lots and lots of compliments on my blogs and how I make people smile with my blunt and what I will affectionately call my "smart-assy" tone.  So to those who enjoy, thanks for reading and I'm glad I can entertain you.  Cause it ain't easy being "Jenni from the Block"...I may not have J Lo's ass, money or talent, but I got the name...somehow I think I got shafted on that one.

Anyway in the midst of going through yet another damn appliance failure within the last 2 weeks in my home I decided to go through a bin of shit that I have of random things I have kept over the years.  A "hoarding" bin if you will.  In it there are pictures of high school, prom, college, early twenties, my wedding, later twenties, and a notebook full of writings that I used to do just for my own personal outlet.  Some I will admit were really good and others could've been written by my goldfish and would've come out better.

Upon reading them I flashed back to the time when I apparently was so into the person or thing I was writing about and dear Lord was I ridiculous.  I was all about forever this and that, hearts and stars, yadda yadda bullshit. I have a rule about writing though I never go back and change an original that I write, I always leave it as is and IF it's good enough to expand upon and improve, I'll make a new one based on the same principles.

With that in mind I was reading one in particular that was from an insanely long time ago, I couldn't even place a time on it but it must've been when I was a wee little thing....

If I had to go back to that time or a similar time I would say this:

At this point in my life it's awesome to be young.  I have a kick ass body that is in pristine shape. (and in a few years I'm going to pierce it and tattoo it sorry mom)  I'm gonna flaunt the hell out of it, but not too much cause then I'd be a hooch.  I could really care less of what people think of me because as I continue to grow up only a handful of these people are going to be by my side. So to those bitches sitting over there at the "cool yet anorexic" table giving me that "what are you looking at" look, you can all kiss my ass cause in a few years we will part ways and our paths will probably never cross again.   I don't know jack shit about love at this age so I'm not going to cry over it.  A boy means less sleep, puffy eyes, more stress and more trouble. When I'm in my twenties I'm going to party like a ROCK STAR so there is no need to worry about the assholes who put the pressure on me to do it now.  I should probably start paying a little more attention to my teachers and a little less attention to the boys because a college education is EXPENSIVE and it means a better job.    Who I am now is not who I am going to be, and if I don't know exactly what I want to be when I grow up, well that's is absolutely o.k.  If these are the best years of my life, things are looking pretty bleak....it's a good thing they aren't :)

We put too much pressure on ourselves growing up.  Take the time to enjoy growing up cause being an actual grown up sucks.  Taking the "next step" is so exciting, but living in it is hard sometimes.  Getting married is AWESOME.  Paying for the wedding will put you (or your parents) in debt for YEARS.  Having kids is the most AMAZING, WONDERFUL and BEST thing that has ever happened to me.  I was born to be a mom.  However sleep is a thing of the past, and when you have kids you are no longer you, you are someone's mom first and foremost, and forever.  It's amazing but sometimes you find yourself wondering how the hell 24 hours just went by and you completely forgot to feed yourself or go pee.  Kids take over and it's challenging and amazing :)  Then there is owning a home....and well.... If one more damn appliance in my house breaks ANYTIME soon, y'all best duck and cover cause something will be flying out the effing window.  It's a promise.

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