Thursday, December 5, 2013

One Great Phone Call

Today I made a phone call, one in which I was very nervous to make.  I called another mother to tell her how her son was picking on my daughter and how I needed her help in making it stop.  I had already emailed her and even though I thought my email was polite I was very nervous to call this woman whom I do not know and talk to her.  I mean who wants to be told by a complete stranger that your child is not being nice to another child.

I was expecting the worst, a cat-fight for sure along with some swearing, definitely a few "F-bombs" but to my happy surprise a very sweet voice answered the phone when I called and we began a very productive conversation.  Within a few seconds this woman on the other end was apologizing up and down for her little boy's behavior.  She began to cry and tell me her story behind her little boy and how he too gets picked on for issues he has and how she has been on the same side I was describing to her so she completely understands and how grateful she was for me for not only telling her about what was going on but more importantly not yelling at her or attacking her son and being understanding of him.

As she sobbed to me she was telling me how she thought I was an excellent mother for bringing this to her attention and how she hoped I didn't think she was terrible for not having a better solution for this particular problem.  I felt myself feeling so bad for this woman as she told me she has been through this so many times. I want this issue fixed but I also want to help this woman to help her child.  I found myself asking her if she would like to get together to talk.  It was a moment of mother to mother trying to do anything to help our children.  I am actually looking so forward to meeting her.  I am hoping that with this new found knowledge and uniting with one another we can help our children better understand each other and get along.

I felt absolutely amazing after our conversation and I think now knowing what I know maybe we can help each other and help our kids together.  I don't want my daughter to get picked on, absolutely not, but I also don't want to see the little boy suffer either.  I wish the world was different but since it isn't, maybe we can help one another out once we get past the barriers.

I learned a valuable lesson today.  And I am so thankful I wrote that email and even more thankful I picked up that phone and she was willing to talk about it.  There is some hope in this world :)

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