Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Holiday Cheer

Well tomorrow is Thanksgiving and just like every other year everyone who celebrates is either running around crazy trying to prepare for the upcoming holiday's feast or planning their trip(s) to their selected stores to get this years deals on the biggest shopping day of the year, "black Friday".  Perhaps others are traveling to loved ones houses in a different part of the state or country, and if so, I apologize right now because we all know how much fun airports, bus and train stations can be and of course rush hour on all major high ways the day before a holiday.  So let's break this down a bit shall we?!

First: if you are preparing the meal: it is a royal pain in the ass but let me be the first to tell you, the people who are eating it are beyond appreciative of it or at least they should be.  It is an insane amount of work and it's over in about 20 minutes and then the clean-up takes another hour and a half but those 20 minutes are pure bliss.  For those preparing the meal, you are amazing and thank you for doing so.  I did it last year and unless I absolutely HAVE to, I am so not doing it again anytime soon unless I move into a bigger house with a much bigger kitchen.  For those eating the dinner you did not prepare: do the damn dishes!

Second: if you are planning to go black Friday shopping, do not be one of those people who beats the shit out of someone else over a $5.00 savings on an iPad because in a week it's going to be cheaper somewhere else.  You want a $5.00 savings but if you get arrested now you're going to have to pay for a lawyer, court fees, spend some time in jail, etc.  Now ask yourself is it really worth it?   I think not.  Don't be THAT person.

Third: if you are traveling for the holidays no matter by what mode; plane, train or automobile please be considerate of other people.  There will be delays, there will be traffic and there will be that family with that screaming kid right next to your seat on the plane or train.  There will be no need to say some nasty comment about them or about how the workers are so slow at getting your baggage from point A to point B, remember they are working on the holiday's too.

Above all let's remember that it is the holiday season and for whatever reason instead of being holly and jolly at some time or another we all turn a little grouchy.  You may notice a slight sarcasm in this blog, it's there for a reason. I am hoping that this year we can all turn a little naughty into a little nice.  Maybe if we see someone having a bad day or going through a rough patch we could lend a hand to help out.  A little holiday cheer never hurts :)

Happy Thanksgiving to all :)

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