Friday, January 22, 2016

Change - it sucks

Change is going to happen.  Whether we like it or not, it's going to happen.  Sometimes it will smack you in the face like a ton of bricks, sometimes it will be subtle, sometimes you'll notice that you've already had a change happen and sometimes you have to be the one to make the change no matter how much it's going to tear you apart.  Change is the necessary evil that makes this often times ridiculous world go around.  In so many ways I wish it wasn't, but either we roll with it or we get crushed by it.

When we were kids we couldn't wait to be older.  To stop being treated like a "baby", stop watching all the older kids get to do the things we wanted to do but couldn't because we were too little, to just taste that freedom, just a little bit.  As we started to get older it was a bit scary to know that we had that freedom, to go out and do those things, but it was so fun to finally be able to do those things we had always been held back on.  

Then we grew up even more and reality set in.  With growth came responsibility, bills, jobs, relationships and although it was tough to adapt to that new lifestyle it was interesting to never know what tomorrow held, all the new people we met, the new adventures we took, it was still scary but wonderful.

We grew more, more change, more responsibility, more "adult" things came.  Suddenly being treating like a "baby" sounded pretty great.  Except now, we were the ones taking care of our own babies. Where had the time gone?  How the hell did we go from these little kids to teenagers, to young adults, to an actual adult?  What happened to all the people that came and went?  Where the hell are they?  What happened?  Did the earth shake and a bunch of them fell off?  No, we all changed.  It happened every day and we didn't see it or didn't accept it.

So here we are, adults, well isn't it just all it's cracked up to be?  Freedom, sweet freedom.  Well what a bullshit lie that was.  Thanks Disney, where the hell are all the little dwarfs to do my housework? Where's my knight in shining armor?  And what the hell happened to my castle?  Way to build it up.

So far in life either from experience or from friends' experiences if any of the Disney shit happened here's how it turned out: 

If the little dwarfs showed up, they cleaned the house top to bottom and by that I mean cleaned us out.  Everything from the jewelry to the paintings even the damn wooden spoons.  Who needs wooden spoons? 

If the knight in shining armor reared his beautiful (yet pissy) head he stayed a while, turned on the charm got us hooked, then turned out to be the biggest asshole this side of the Mississippi.  In the end it was a nasty divorce, he used every dirty trick in the book including trying to take the kids so we pawned his armor and blasted his ass all over FaceBook.  Now he pays us 1/2 his paycheck and we absolutely hate each other.  He needs to go back to the beginning and learn how to be a knight.

If we bought a castle, it turned out to be a Ryan home in disguise, so everything is falling to shit, the ceiling leaks, there is no insulation, the water pressure sucks, and I'm sure Goofy did all the measuring and nailing because you have to slant your head to the right for anything to look straight.

I'm so positive aren't I?!

So let's say for shits and giggles that you are still at that point in your life where things are changing (because they always will) but you haven't settled down yet.

Are you in a relationship that makes you happy?  If not are you going to stay in it just because you love that person or are you going to cuts the ties because you deserve better?  My advice would be to cut the ties and move on.  If that person doesn't treat you right now, trust me, they are not going to change in time...not for the better anyways.  As much as we want to, we can't change people.  Only people can change themselves and 9 times out of 10, they won't.  If the world is going to change anyways, if everything around you is going to change, why not make the change that will make you happy?  

Are you in a career that makes you happy?  Are you only in it because it has "growth potential"? What good has growth done for you so far?!  Do what makes you happy.  Follow your passion. Yes I know "passion doesn't pay the bills", but if all you're doing is working to pay the bills, to stay afloat, where is the joy in your life?  You're living the day to day just to get through it. What kind of quality is that?

Who the hell am I to tell anyone what to do?  I am no one.  You obviously don't have to listen to a damn thing I say. As I say in many of my blogs I write because it makes me feel better.  Sometimes I just need an outlet.  If I said half the shit I really want to say (or posted half the blogs I have written as they are) I would most likely be reported, banned, and have a lot of "splainin'"to do.  Sometimes it's good just to be a smart ass and say what you need to say, even if no one is listening.

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