Monday, November 30, 2015

A Glimpse Back, A Glimpse Forward

Next Monday my husband, Tom, and I will be together for 13 years. Wow 13 years.  I don't know how that much time has gone by to be honest.  This May will be our 10th wedding anniversary but next Monday will be the anniversary of the very first day we started seeing each other.

It's funny, that particular day seems like it happened a few years back and yet sometimes it feels like we've been together since the beginning of time and others it feels like it hasn't been that long at all.  I wish the newness was still there sometimes.  That anxious/excited feeling we used to get when we knew the other one would be coming over.  Now that feeling comes along when I know he's coming home and I haven't made dinner yet and I have to throw something together in time.  Not exactly the same thing....

Getting to know someone is always fun and scary and throws a thousand emotions into the air.  It's new and different, but somehow familiar and comfortable.  After all these years it's almost comical because you know everything the other person is going to do, what they will say or how they will react to a certain situation.  You have to keep it interesting I suppose.  It's not for the weary, that's for sure.  

If someone would have told me that the day I met my husband we would be where we are today I would have told them they are absolutely crazy.  If I could have warned myself on some key elements I sure as shit would have and I'm sure he would have done the same thing. Marriage is definitely not easy.  Take those vows as if they are the key to life; "for better, for worse, in sickness and in health" I know there was some other stuff in there too but that pertains to us the most. If we wrote our own I would imagine they would have went something like this; "Eventually you and I will get so damn irritated with each other that one or both of us would love nothing more than to slap the shit out of the other one, but since we aren't the domestic abuse type of people, we'll just bitch for three days and then get bored of it and call it a draw although I will really win because I am now legally your wife and just let you think you won.  You will do your hobbies irregardless of what I want you to do and leave your dirty socks and underwear all over the place, along with dishes in the sink, and not clean up after yourself after you shave.  I will bitch at you about all of the above along with anything else that comes our way including but not limited to; your mother, the dog prints on the clean floor, your mother, your lack of help, your mother, you not spending enough time with me, your mother, the lawn needing to be mowed, your mother, the garage being a mess, your mother, why the Christmas lights are still up in June and your mother.  That will about sum it up, oh and I forgot, your mother. We will constantly fight about our families because we were raised completely different, then we had our own kids and came up with our own way of raising them and neither your mother or my mother agree but your mother always says things to piss me off so I'll bitch some more."

Although if I said that I'm fairly certain he wouldn't have said I Do....Doesn't life sound grand?!  The truth is, I don't actually bitch the beginning I know I was quite bitchy when we moved into our house, but I just wanted it to be perfect for him.  Luckily, that side is way out in left field somewhere now.  We have 2 children, that's where my time is devoted to now and where most of the yelling in the house comes from,  Funny how that shifted.  Here's the good part.....

When the days are crazy, the kids are running in 25 different directions, work is unbearable, our families are arguing, the house is a mess, I'm wearing Tom's underwear because the washer is acting up and my clothes aren't clean.....when life is simply falling down around us, I love him.  I am grateful for the last 13 years and I am hopeful for the next 13.  Yes, there are obstacles, yes, there are issues. There always will be.  We will always fight, our families will never get along, my personal feelings about his hobbies, will not change, his feelings about mine won't either.  Our kids will grow up, and thanks to the lovely examples set forth by certain family members, we know exactly how NOT to treat our children's spouses and their children in the future.  There had to be a silver lining somewhere.

Will we make it to 20 years?  Who knows.  I can only hope.  I would love to be one of those couples who can show their children by example that even in the tough times, there can be a happy ending. If it doesn't work out that way, well I would like to be able to say we tried our best.  I know we would if it came to that.  There isn't a whole lot to look forward to in life these days.  Every time I turn on the TV there is something awful going on in the world and usually in multiple places, growing ever closer to home.  The better life we can make for our family, the better off we'll all be.

Life is hard, marriage is hard, raising children is hard.... but anything worth doing is usually hard.  If you can look at it with a little humor, a little sass and a lot of heart, you'll be fine.  Live it your way. We only go around once...make it count.

Happy Anniversary Tom. I Love You <3

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Lucky Enough

Last night I had a typical "night in the life of a parent."  In my house, when my children are sick, sad, upset, hurt, anxious, or in any way unhappy they run to me.  In my house, mommy makes everything better.  Of course when they are happy and content they want nothing more than to run around with daddy.  Mommy gets the happy moments every now and again but daddy just brings out that wild playful side like no other.  Somehow I think there is a bit of a disconnect somewhere but that's alright, as long as they are happy, healthy and taken care of, I'm good.

Anyway last night my husband had to work late, well past the kids' bedtime so as always he called to say good-night.  As I tucked my children into bed and their little faces slowly drop and tears ran down their cheeks because daddy wasn't going to be home for bedtime, I saw that wonderful moment every parent hopes to see.

The two of them, who didn't stop fighting all day long, snuggled into my bed, grasped each others hand and put their heads against each other.  They began to talk about how much they wanted daddy home and how much they missed him.  As I watched from the doorway I realized that the bond my children (secretly) hold is so wonderful and strong and I am so blessed to have them.

They slowly began to giggle and eventually laugh and looked at me with so much joy when I walked into the room.  They asked me to lay with them (as if I would ever decline) and watch a show with them before bed.  As I crawled into bed with them and they laid on top of me I couldn't help but get that little lump in my throat because I was so happy and yet I knew that school is just around the corner so these nights will be far and few between.  I swallowed hard and just let them drift off to sleep while I laid there, covered in sweat and drool.  It was a perfect night.

Unfortunately, a few hours later I was awakened by my daughter who wasn't feeling well. She is getting a cold and her nose was too stuffy to breath through so it woke her up.  She HATES taking medicine so we tried everything but that, which of course took hours.  After about 2 hours of that awful sniffling I demanded she take medicine, she of course wanted to fight me to the death but in the end she conceded.  Wouldn't you know it, 15 minutes later, she was out, and so was I.  Cock-eyed, covered in medicine, and sharing a twin sized bed with my daughter, but out none-the-less.

My slumber didn't last long, 30 mins later my husband woke me up to go lay with my son who had woken up with his alarm.  Great.  Usually when my son is up, he's up for the day.  I begged him to go back to sleep, promising snuggles and as many stuffed animals as he wanted to bring.  He must've sensed the desperation in my voice because thankfully he gave in and off to sleep we went.  It didn't last more than an hour but it was an hour I was very grateful for.

When he asked me to go out into the living room with him I was reluctant but knew that it was time to get up whether I wanted to or not.  The day had begun.  Breakfast and his favorite shows and more snuggle time while his sister slept soundly (thank goodness) in her bed for the next 3 hours.

As I write this now, they are playing, and fighting, and the house is full of toys.  If someone was to walk in here right now they would wonder if we knocked off a Toys R Us.  This is my life, and I love it.  I wouldn't change it or trade it for anything in the world.

Soon they'll be off to school and I will be so sad, so lonely, and missing them so very much.  All the sleepless nights, all the fighting, every tight month because we are a one income family, every hurdle, every hard time....none of it matters.  For everything that seems negative, there is so much more that is positive.  One "I Love You Mom", one smile, one giggle, one snuggle, one look....makes everything worth it.  My children are my life.  I love them with every fiber of my being and I am so blessed to have them.

Even though I have more to say in this blog, my kids wants some lunch, and they come first.  They are the most important people in the world to me.  They are my children, and I am lucky enough to be their mommy <3

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Holding on

Time is a funny thing.  There are days that I am running all day long doing errands, making sure every last item on my "to-do list" is done, and being sure my children are getting all the attention they need and want.  Then there are days when there is absolutely nothing on my "to-do list" except little odds and ends items that I know can wait, so I get to spend more time playing with my kids and less time "being an adult."

In the beginning of this summer I thought of thousands of fun things the kids and I could do over their nice long break from school.  Like most other people I know, I went onto Pinterest and found some fun arts and crafts, new games to play, etc. and had all these magnificent ideas on how to incorporate all the new activities with the old ones.

Well here it is, the last few days of summer vacation and we didn't make it through half of our list.  I am really fine with not having a "check mark" next to items on the list, but what bothers me is how quickly the time went this summer.  I know it always does, but this year seemed to go especially quick.

I was sitting in Kindergarten orientation for my son, who happens to be my youngest and I thought about how just 4 years ago I was sitting in the same room listening to the same speech for my daughter, my oldest.  As I looked around the room at so many new faces it was easy to spot the new parents because most of their children were clinging on to them.  My son, although he is extremely attached to me seemed to be very calm at orientation which I was so happy and relieved about, but at the same time I realized I was clinging onto him.  

I am not ready to let go of both of my children and have them be so independent yet.  Some of the parents who were there couldn't have been any more excited about having their child(ren) return to school.  Some parents with children who were going into Kindergarten and were only children or the youngest child in their families had parents that were happy about it being time to send the children to school.  

I don't understand this concept.  In a way I suppose I can see it, if parents are paying for day care, or if they are wanting to return to work without needing to work less hours because of needing to stay home due to a younger child.  Most of the parents I know usually have some sort of financial aspect as to why they are happy that all their children are off to school in September.  

It is absolutely the opposite way for me.  I have been with my babies everyday since birth.  I stayed home in intervals so each one had the same amount of time with me.  I have been a stay at home mom full time since January 2013, and although it is by far the most difficult job I've ever had, it has also been the most rewarding.  

I get to be with my children every single day.  I know every single thing about them.  I have been so very fortunate to have been able to be home with them over the years.  Although my husband and I did take a financial loss when we went from  2 incomes to 1, it was never an issue when we thought of the benefits we were getting in return.  There is nothing better than being able to know where your children are and that they are safe, healthy and happy.  

We definitely had our bad days, I'm sure my neighbors have heard my children fighting and me yelling at them to knock it off, but kids are kids.  Even a tough day at home is better than a good day at work.  

In just over a week and a half I am losing my days full of snuggles, hugs, kisses, giggles and everything in between.  I know it's only a few hours at school and the day goes by quickly, but I'm still not ready to let any of my time with my children go.  I'll even miss the fighting. I need my children as much as they need me.  I feel so lost without them around me.

I know a lot of parents, mostly moms (that I've talked to) who are going through the same thing.  The separation anxiety is already setting in for us.  Of course, being a mom, we have to hide it so the children won't feel it.  We need to be strong for them.  When we tell them what a wonderful time they will have this year, they need to believe it so they can have the confidence to get on the bus or in the car and walk into that school on their first day and every day thereafter.

When that first day comes and all the children are on that bus and waving out the window, I'll be putting on my sunglasses so they won't see the tears and when it pulls away, I will be a hot mess, that's for sure.  Some parents high-five, some smile and laugh that the kids are back to school, I don't. I turn into a blubbering fool. I hate this time of year.

Whether you're a high-fiver or a balling, sniffling, mess like me on that first day, it's always good to take the time we have left of the summer and really engage with your children.  Disconnect from your phone, computer, tablet, T.V., anything and everything else.  Go outside, go play with your children. Give them this last little glimmer of summer, they'll hold onto it longer than you think.  I know mine do, and so do I.  

Best of luck to all the children and the parents this year.  I hope it is a safe and successful year for all! 


Thursday, August 27, 2015


With the cooler weather beginning to settle in, the leaves changing, and the stores stocked from floor to ceiling with school supplies, the inevitable is upon us.....Summer is coming to an end.  With Summer ending and Fall beginning, the children, teachers and parents are preparing for back to school time.  Some love it, some hate it.  Personally I hate it, as do my children.  But before all the kids show up at the school bus with their shinny new digs, new backpacks, and anxious grins on their faces, I am going to ask parents for one request; talk to your children about bullying.

My daughter has been bullied for the last 2 years and I have done everything from marching my butt down to the school every single day to talk to the teachers, students, and principal, talking to the mom, taking my daughter to the schools' social worker, taking her to a therapist to talking with school board members, writing a formal complaint, and asking to have an entire assembly on bullying throughout the school system.  Sadly, the school system failed my daughter.  

Although the school has an anti-bullying policy, the rights of the bully were better protected because he has "mental issues."  I of course, did everything I could to protect the rights of everyone involved, after all these are children, and sometimes they just can't comprehend their actions.  I did not in any way shape or form attack or want anyone to feel worse about the situation that what was already going on.  I know the bully probably didn't intend on hurting my daughter so much, but even though sticks and stones can break bones, name calling and bullying can and do hurt so much more sometimes.

Now we're heading into a new year and my daughter has an entirely new personality.  She has become so unsure of herself, has so little self-esteem, and will basically cling onto any "friend" that is nice to her, even if he/she is no friend at all.  We've tried every avenue we could possibly think of. We've gone through the school, therapists, friends, family, doctor recommendations, you name it, we've done it.  We praise her up and down for her good deeds and correct her when she needs it, but nothing too harsh.  We are trying to reinstate her self-esteem as best as we can.  However, the terrible bullying she has already encountered has beaten her down so much that I am so afraid she is going to stay like this forever, or at least until she finds her inner-strength, which she has to find on her own.  We told her it's there, but only she can truly feel it.

Why am I telling you this very personal information?  Simple.  When you are talking to your children about school this year, please remind them about bullying.  Think of your child being ridiculed and picked on relentlessly throughout the day.  Think of his/her little face and the hurt he/she would be feeling, the tears streaming down his/her face.  Think of the anger you would feel when you found out.  Now channel that into a positive conversation you can have about why your child should NEVER bully anyone else and if he/she sees someone being bullied he/she should tell a teacher or an adult he/she trusts.  It is so important to stop this horrible epidemic going on.

I pray that none of your children will ever be bullied, or become a bully, but if any of it every happens, please nip it in the bud right away.  The hurt, heartache and pain that your child will endure can last a lifetime.  

So many children who get bullied will not speak up if they are being bullied.  They are too ashamed, too afraid that they will provoke the bully even more or they will get in trouble for being a  "tattle-tale." So they endure the abuse, silently.  They will change over time.  You will notice they will have a whole new attitude, they will become angry, sad, they won't want to go to school, won't engage in activities at home or in school.  Essentially they will become a hollow shell of themselves, and that is so sad to watch a child go through.  You want your child to be strong, happy, playful, and above all to be a his/her childhood, these other emotions will come in the adult years anyway...let them be kids.

We considered taking our daughter out of school when the bullying began, but what would that teach anyone?  It would teach the bully that he/she could control the population by being mean and picking on everyone.  It would also teach my children that running away would solve any problem.  I want my children to learn to stand up for themselves, face adversity and rise above it.  Hopefully this year they will be able to do so.

These days she has become very angry and impatient with a lot of things that ordinarily she wouldn't be.  I have the bully to thank for that.  However, if she gets mad enough, she'll stand up and argue, so it's a start I suppose.  However she is too young to deal with such nonsense.  

Please, please, please talk to your child about the affects bullying can have on someone and why it is so important NOT to become a bully and to SPEAK UP if he/she sees it or hears about it happening. I cannot thank you enough for helping me to end this and give a voice to the children who will not speak up for themselves. 

Check your schools or communities to see if there are any clubs that have any anti-bullying groups, and if not, start one.  Read your schools' policy on bullying and be sure to know if your child is having an issue, and if so, fight the policy until you get the action you want.  Please don't let any child have one more sleepless night.  No child should lay his/her head down on a tear-stained pillow because they are being bullied so horribly.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and talking with your children.  Thank you for making a difference.  

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Year, New Outlook

I'm not one to make resolutions per say, but this year I decided to get that "fresh perspective" on myself, so I really started to look at things in my life.  I realized that a core problem I have is following through with things.  It's always been a problem area for me and I know it's not something that's going to change overnight, but I'm really going to make it a goal for myself to be better at following through on things.

So, that being said, I've told my story of having Chiari Malformation and frankly I'm sick of it.  The whole damn thing.  I've met some awesome people who also have it, and unfortunately there just isn't a whole lot of light shed on it in this area.  It seems that the only people who know about it are the people who have it, and when they're diagnosed they have no idea what it is.  They're only taught what their particular doctor tells them which is usually very little because not many physician's specialize in this particular disease.

There is a Chiari Institute which is where the experts are, but it's in Great Neck, NY so if you're not living close to it, or have an insurance that will cover your cost of going there, your pretty much out of luck.

Fortunately, there is a whole other world out there of "Chiarian's" which is what people who suffer from Chiari Malformation affectionately call themselves.  There are a ton of support groups out there both online and some in person, but it varies by area.

Last year, I was lucky enough to be able to set one up in my area and I'm so excited to say that we have 26 members which is a lot in my eyes considering I was diagnosed 8 years ago and I met my first fellow Chiarian last year.  Now I have met literally hundreds online and a handful of wonderful people face to face, and it has made a world of difference.

I see Chiari in a whole new way, and 2015 is going to be a banner year, I am making sure of that.  I am hoping to get Chiari awareness spread all over my area so that when people ask "what is Chiari?" a fellow Chiarian may not have to answer, but a supporter may be able to.  Chiari is a debilitating disease, and there is no cure, except surgery, and that in itself really isn't a cure, it may help with the symptoms, but brain surgery is a pretty drastic measure to alleviate symptoms if you ask me.  Not all Chiari's are operable, and some Chiari's can be fatal.  Certain types are fatal, no question about it.

Chiari has a no outside look to it.  No one looks different on the outside unless the surgery was done in which case all anyone can see is a scar.  Often times it will resemble a zipper from the base of the neck up to the middle of the skull and then the "Chiarian" is now called a "Zipperhead" nice aren't we?! Brain surgery is rough.  It hurts, it's so scary, and the possibilities of errors and infections are endless.

However, Chiari is not recognized in NY state nor is it considered "disabling" so sometimes it's damn near impossible to get disability unless you have every doctor, lawyer, judge, witness, etc. on board and even then you may get denied. I am hoping that with a lot of support and marketing Chiari awareness all over the place, we can finally get Chiari recognized, but we'll need the numbers.

This is where we need support.  Support from fellow Chiarian's, support from our families, friends, co-workers, and communities.  Sometimes we just can't function.  Sometimes the pain is just too much to bear.  But with the support of our loved ones, we can make it through.  For 2015 I am challenging people to get educated about this disease, learn how you can help those who have it. While there is no exact number of how many people are diagnosed with Chiari per year, due to more advanced testing, the number of people becoming diagnosed with Chiari has been rising every year. Numbers are estimating between 300,000 to 500,000 per year. Empower yourself with knowledge about Chiari.  Help yourself, help others.  Get a new outlook for 2015, get a new perspective.  Thank you for reading. <3

Have a Healthy 2015!