Wednesday, September 11, 2013


For those who do not know, I come from a family of first responders.  My brother a professional firefighter (as well as a volunteer), my father a volunteer firefighter, uncles, cousins all firefighters and some policemen. I have some other cousins and an uncle who served in the armed forced (I don't want to leave them out). They all do different things in their lives and different things within eat job but they have one thing in common; They are all Hero's.

If you ask them they will tell you they are no such thing, they are simply doing what they love.  For them it's second nature, they don't give it a second thought.  I don't know how they do it.  Take my brother.  He has a wife and 2 adorable children at home.  Everyday he puts his life on the line for strangers.  When everyone else is running out of a burning building, he runs in.  He puts his own life in danger to save the life of a complete stranger.  He doesn't think twice about it, he just does it.  Same thing with life-threatening situations like car accidents, search and rescue situations, you name it, he's going after someone to save their life. He is a hero.

I used to go down to the fire house where he volunteered and when that bell rang he just jumped into action, no thought, no doubt, just up and went.  It always amazed me.  I always wondered how these first responders did it.  I would be scared out of my mind.  I know I couldn't do it, I think I would just freeze up. He's been doing this since we were kids.

My dad used to take us down to the firehouse when we were little and we would hang out with the firemen and play on the firetrucks and pretend we were going on calls and such.  Of course me being the younger one it always intimidated me, but not my brother, it was always his passion.  He is AMAZING at it too.

On the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on our country I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the first responders and men and women in the armed forces who have protected all of us and been our hero's day in and day out.  You don't get nearly the credit you deserve especially for the amount of danger you put yourselves in on a daily basis.  You're bravery has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated.  You are our hero's and the backbone of our country.  May God bless each and everyone of you and keep you safe every day.  To my brother especially, I love you and want you to know that you have always been my hero since we were little and always will be.

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