Monday, September 2, 2013


Tonight I was online with my fellow "Chiarians" and I was reading some of their stories and I have to say some of these people are truly amazing.  We've all had some really craptastical things happen in our lives and each and every one of them changes who we are as people.  Some people think that other people's situations are worse than ones they may have gone through but it doesn't make what they have gone through or what they may be going through any less important (stole that line from my bestie and she's right by the way).

A lot of my friends often ask me how I make it through the shit I have gone through and the shit I am going through with the attitude I have.  It's not something I can explain.  It's just something we all have to do.  This is the hand I was dealt, and now I have to run with it.  It's not like I can hide from it.

A few people have told me I have inspired them, which absolutely made my day but shocked me too because I am not the person who usually inspires people.  I'm the loud mouth in the back of the room telling everyone else to shut up or the reason everyone in the group got in trouble cause it was all "my idea" see where I'm going.

If I can help someone do something good, that is awesome and I'm so happy to do so, but it's not something I thought I was doing by sharing my experiences.  I have come to realize though since joining this online support group for other people who have the same ailment I do, they have inspired me to not only help other's whenever possible but also that by sharing all the positives and negatives it really does help others. Just letting someone else know they are not alone is worth so much to someone who is suffering on the inside.

There is one story in particular that has really struck a cord with me and this poor woman has gone through so much and her recovery has been just awful.  She has had CSF leak, after leak, after leak which is not a good thing.  Her dr. has had to go back into her incision 3 times and so obviously this poor woman has gone through a lot.  But she has the most upbeat attitude about life.  Her symptoms are still there, her surgeries are terrible and the recovery sucks but she is funny, down to earth and just a joy to talk to.  I'm sure she has her down in the dumps moments but she doesn't show them in the group.  She is just happy to be here and be as close to her "normal" as possible.  That is inspiring.

It's people like her and stories like that, that make everything else seem so trivial.  I think that's why it's easier to look at other situations in life and just walk away.  If it isn't THAT important I'm not wasting my time.  I want to enjoy my time.  I want to enjoy my children and my husband.  I want them to know that even though times can get hard, there are always silver linings, and brighter days.  If we're still breathing, it's a good day.

Maybe to some this may be cheesy but I really don't care.  When you're faced with the idea that you may not be around very long you take any chance you can to make your imprint.  I know I'm making mine.  I want to inspire my kids to be the very best they can be and to inspire others to do the same.  I want the world to know that if you are suffering from anything, don't hide it because just by talking about it you could inspire someone else.

The stories I have read with these "Chiarians" are truly amazing.  Some are good and some not so much. Some are very sad and some are oddly familiar.  But they all have one thing in common, they all are inspiring.

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