Thursday, September 19, 2013

She cries

My child is being bullied in school already, at the young age of 6 and this is what I wrote about it:

She cries when she gets home from school because of what they said
She tells me that the words hurt her heart and buries her face in her bed
She looks up at me with her tear-filled eyes and begs me not to make her go to school tomorrow
The pain shines through her eyes; all the hurt; all the sorrow

I tell her it will be better and hold her for a while
I tell her funny stories about my childhood and try to make her smile
Her brother comes in and gives her a hug and tells her how he loves her
Even the dog comes in and jumps on her and begs her to pet his fur

She calms down enough to go and play and I go and make a call
I call to tell the teacher how much she's hurting and this is not acceptable at all!
She agrees completely and we devise a plan to make it all alright
We hang up, I sob a while and then go about my night

We go about our night's routine, dinner, bath, book, and bed
I tell my kids what wonderful things await them in the coming day ahead
They finally drift off to sleep and I lay there wide awake
Wondering if tomorrow I can send her to school or if it will be a huge mistake

The next morning we all get up and get ready for the day
She turns to me as we head out the door and begins to say
"Mommy please don't make me go to school today" as tears run down her cheeks
"I don't want those boys to call me names and say mean things when my eyes begin to leak"

I break down and tell her that today will be a better day
She looks at me and replies "you said that yesterday!"
I pick her up and hold her tight and promise her the best
"It won't be good, it will be bad, just like all the rest!"

It kills me that she has to go through this hell each and every day
I wish I could go and hold her hand and take it all away
I am doing my best and but it seems like no matter what I try
I feel like I am completely failing my baby when she cries

Parents, please teach your children about child is being bullied right now and she is 6 years old and no child deserves it.  I can't stand watching her cry every day and every night over these boys her pick on her over ridiculous things.  They target my daughter because she is quiet, shy, reserved and doesn't do confrontation unless of course it's with her brother.  I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS.  I WILL ALWAYS FIGHT FOR MY CHILDREN.  As parents, we need to teach them NOT to bully others.  If you were a bully or if you were bullied, you should talk to your children about your experiences.  No child should ever feel bad about being who they are.  We should want better for our children.  I know I do.  I'm tired of watching my child cry.  I will not stand for it.  Neither should you....

1 comment:

  1. That's awful Jen! You are doing the right thing, as hard as it is! We unfortunately can't keep them in a bubble as much as it would help our "mommy hearts". They have to go out in the world and see how awful and wonderful it can be for themselves. I'm glad you talked to the teacher and set up a plan. STUPID BOYS! If talking to the teacher doesn't end up helping out I'll go with you to beat-up the parents! ;~) (((Hugs)))
