Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mommies feel

When my kids are doing something they shouldn't or fighting uncontrollably sometimes I want to tear my hair out as every parent does.  When we are in the grocery store and they are having a meltdown because I bought the Goldfish in the orange bag instead of the orange and white bag I want to leave the cart where it is, take the kids and get the hell out of the store.  When we are on hour 4 of a Songebob marathon I want to put my shoe through the TV just to make the obnoxious sound go away.  When we are laying in bed for hours and I am reiterating over and over; and over and over again "go to bed it's late" I want to turn over and put ear plugs in and pretend they actually listened and are asleep.

When my kids fall and scrape a knee or elbow and only mommy can make it better with a band-aid and a kiss it makes me feel important.  When I drop them off at school and I get the "I'm putting on my brave face for you but deep down I'm on the edge of tears" look, I want to run over, pick them up, hold them and never let go.  When they accomplish something for the first time and they realize they can do things by themselves, I feel proud.

When my kids hug  me for no reason, kiss me goodnight, tell me how much they love me, ask if we can be together forever, play games with me, snuggle with me, cuddle with me, hold my hand, sleep next to me, or are just with me, I feel joy, love, and absolutely complete.

Mother's go through every emotion there is and then some.  It's difficult to put into words but sometimes just looking at my kids it's overwhelming to know how much I love them and need them.  Before I was a mom my world was so different and looking back it was insignificant and incomplete.  I was put on this earth to be a mom.  I may not be good at a lot of things, and even though it sounds conceded I know I am a good mom. It's a constant roller coaster full of worry, love, compassion, joy, and everything in between and mommies feel every emotion along the way.  I am truly blessed to have such amazing children.

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