Friday, October 18, 2013

Kiss my a$$

You know there comes a point in everyone's life when you reach a breaking point.  I've reached mine a time or six.  Today as I was criticized yet again as I was being pulled in the eighty eighth direction it hit me that I have just had enough.  I don't need this shit.  It's obviously not enough that I am doing the absolute best that I can given the situations that I am in so since I clearly suck so bad at how I am handling them I am now formally handing over the reins.  Yep this is me saying it's all you, thanks for being a jack wagon, and kick my ass.

For all those who think going off to your fancy pants job is tough and us stay at home moms is just a walk in the park, you can kiss my ass too.  I've never busted my ass harder.  I don't get paid, I don't get a sick day, hell I can't even pee without an audience.  So next time you want to say to me "oh you don't have to work tomorrow, you get to stay home with your kids" expect me to slap you in the mouth.

For those who think you're better than me just because you have a job to go to and I don't, you can kiss my ass too.  We all shit the same way sweetheart, and it stinks just the same....Don't think yours smells any sweeter.  I'm not, not working because I'm lazy or don't want to.  I'd LOVE to go to work.  But I have medical issues that prevent me from doing so at the moment.  None of which I need to explain to you.

For those who come over to my home and are offended because there are a few toys on my floor in the living room guess what you can kiss my ass too.  I've already picked up the floor 27 times but the kids are just going to keep taking crap out until they go to bed, and why shouldn't they?  It's their home.  I know it's clean, they know it's clean, and when they go to bed, I'll pick it up for the 28th time, so if it bothers you, don't come over.

Finally, if you're reading this and you can't tell already that I'm pissed off, here's a clue, I'm freaking pissed off.  It's obviously not enough that I take care of my children and my home, currently I'm helping my mom out who just had surgery which I'm happy to do, she's been there for me through all of my surgeries.  But here's the kicker if you know I'm stressed out you might not want to come around running your mouth about stupid shit that is going to piss me off, because that just starts a chain reaction and then all hell breaks loose.

I'm tired of wearing 75 hats at the same time and getting the "didn't you get to that today?" question when my husband gets home.  Or "why couldn't she get that done?" question from a family member.  Here's your answer....kiss my ass.  Everything else got done and everyone is healthy and happy, well almost everyone....



  1. Okay - I feel you completely and I'm right with you on the pissed off train when it comes to this - BUT I almost wet my pants laughing when I read " We all shit the same way sweetheart, and it stinks just the same....Don't think yours smells any sweeter." That is one of the best lines I have ever heard! lol ;~) (((Hugs)))

  2. Any chance you're friends with this lady????
    Watch it! You'll laugh hysterically and maybe "save your relationships"!!
