Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Don't let them....

Over the last few days I've been getting a lot of feedback on these blogs (thank you by the way it's awesome to get that) all of which has been positive so far although I am waiting for those people to come out from behind the scenes with tomatoes and just start chucking away which is perfectly fine because everyone is entitled to their opinion and all feedback is welcome.  (But beware if you tell me to eff off, I'll tell you the same).

Anyway, so a few people have asked me (and I will never reveal names so no worries) how is it I can just sound off on some things and how after some of the stuff life throws at me can I just keep going with the attitude I have?  Well here's where I stand.

I sound off on things because well I can, and you can too.  Don't be afraid of who you really are.  I used to be.  I was always afraid I was going to offend people and hurt people but as I got older I realized that as long as I don't hurt the people I care about I'm good.  Everyone is going to have an opinion about absolutely everything.  My opinion is just that, my opinion.  Some may not like it, and well they don't have to.  Others may laugh about it, and some may even agree with it.  There are certain topics I stay away from like politics and religion because it always turns into an argument and people always get really pissed off when you start talking democrats or republicans (neither of which I know the difference of) and/or especially God.  People have their own beliefs and I say let them have it.  My philosophy is I have my beliefs, you have yours, I won't push mine on you, don't push yours on me.  As long as we can coexist like that we will get along swimmingly.

I try to avoid topics that I know will piss people off but if it's something I feel strongly about I'm going to talk about it, and if people don't like it, don't listen, or in this case don't read it.  Simple.  I really don't care.  There are people in this world who absolutely HAVE to get their point across.  They talk until they are blue in the face and you can see it in their eyes.  They almost look constipated when they talk..they start to shake, they get all sweaty, and jittery... I almost want to hand them an enema kit and some rubber gloves and point them to the watering closet and say "go to town love, and don't forget to do a courtesy flush or two and wash your hands when you're done please, thanks."

Everyone has things that are near and dear to them that they feel strongly about which they talk passionately about.  Even if these topics are the most painfully boring things I keep my composure and listen intently because that's the respectful thing to do.  However, if I'm reading about it I simply shut the damn book, or close the internet window if it's uninteresting to me.  Case closed, no harm no foul.

I've learned through the good things in life and the really shitty things a lot about myself and with each new thing I try to take something positive away.  I don't always do that, lots of times I just say "well that was bullshit" and wait for the next craptastical thing to come my way.  I have been at the top of my world and at the very bottom.  If it's taught me anything it's if you don't stand up for yourself, no one else will stand with you.  You have to know who you are.  Every day is a challenge of figuring it out and it's completely cool if you don't know who you are at any given point in your life.

I am almost 30 years old and I am proud to say I don't know what the hell I am going to be when I grow up.  Ha, ha, ha.  Take that teachers of my 6th grade!  Who the hell knows when you're 12 anyway?!  Jackasses.  If I die tomorrow, I die a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a cousin, a niece, a jackass, a smartass, a patient, a confidant, and apparently a makeshift blogger.  I'd say I'm accomplished in my own mind.  I don't need to be anything more than that.  Shit I'm accomplished with that first one.  I'm a mom.  I kick ass.

Obviously this blog has swung all over the spectrum but hopefully it's made the point of not being afraid to tell people who you are and be proud of it.  Tell people like it is.  We all have parts of ourselves that we keep just for ourselves of course, but don't be afraid of who you are.  You are amazing.  Don't let people make you feel anything but that.  Stand up, stand tall, be proud to be you and if people try to tear you down, grab their legs on the way down and take them with you :)  Just kidding...kick them in the crotch hurts more :)  Love to all!

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