Monday, June 10, 2013

Music to my ears.....

Ever notice that you could be in a perfectly content mood, driving you car, cleaning your house, doing your laundry, whatever tickles your fancy and then a song comes on the radio and it magically transports you back to a time and place in your memory that changes your mood?  Either for the better or the worse.....

Today I had that very thing happen and it happens all the time, I just wish I could turn it off somehow or reroute the songs that have the negative meanings that turn my good moods into crappy ones.  Today however it was a rare occasion where I had a "flashback" from my youth (not that I'm that old - not quite 30 yet) where it changed my mood for the better (at first).  A song came on that was from my youth that threw me back to my high school years and it brought back a flood of memories.  This particular song was played constantly at our high school  dances and we used to "rock out" to it and back then it was a much different form of "rocking out".  The carefree days came back to me like a free for all and all my friends' faces flashed through my head and I couldn't help but feel that nostalgic feeling in the pit of my stomach.  It didn't last long, about the length of the song, when reality came rushing back like good old aunt flow every month (sorry boys but she's not pleasant and neither was that feeling).

I see all the signs up around town "Congratulations Class of 2013" and I hear all the kids talk about the parties and how great this summer is going to be.  What they don't know is how hard August is going to be.  September used to be the month that sucked the most, back to the Grind, homework, teachers, classes....hanging with friends on the weekend, going to parties, sneaking out (sorry mom), the best years of their lives aren't over, but the most carefree ones are.  And come August these kids have to say good-bye to the people they've grown up with and they have no idea how hard that's going to be.

I stared at a picture of my and my bestie for a long time tonight after that song, that damn song that made me happy and threw me back in time.  It was of us in our cap and gowns the day we graduated, and man did we look small.  The world hadn't chewed us up and spit us out yet.  Luckily today we still have each other and I'm proud to say she's still my bestie.

Anyway, after all those happy thoughts faded I got sad about all the friends that I have said good-bye to over the years and lost along the way.  I went over to the radio popped in a CD and put on an old song, our "Senior Year" song by Eve 6 called "Here's to the Night" and I got sad.  So like I said ..... from one mood to another, damn music.

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