Thursday, June 13, 2013

Do Not

Before you read this be aware that not all blogs are specific to one person or even to me.  Some are and some are generalized.  Sometimes I blog for others who are going through things.  Sometimes I blog for myself.  You can assume if you'd like, but even if you ask, I won't tell you who they are about so they're is no point.  I will be upfront about all personal ones as they relate to medical posts and all blogs that have personal information about myself for research purposes like the Chiari, A-Fib, Fusion, Etc. but the ones like the one'll just have to wonder....

You don't get to treat me like a piece of trash.  You don't get to walk all over me anytime you damn well please.  Last time I checked you were not my superior, nor had any authority over me.  I will not bow to you so do not treat me as if I owe you a damn thing.  Your remarks are unwelcome and your lack of respect is infuriating.  Your attitude is intolerable and your pathetic knowledge of how not to bring down others when you're miserable is ridiculous.

I'm tired of you thinking you can waltz in here and speak to me the way you do.  I am not your child.  Even if I was your child, that tone would be unacceptable.  Who the hell do you think you are to talk to me that way?  I am done with your bullshit and your ridiculous, spiteful ways.  If this is the way you want it, I want no part of it.  Consider me out.

I do not ask for much, and I sure as hell did not ask for this.  I am over it.  I have been through too much shit to go through this garbage.  I grew up for a reason - to get away from all the petty bullshit drama that people like you love to put people through.  I am just sick of it.

I'm sorry that you feel that the whole damn world owes you something, and everyone else has it better than you do...yadda, yadda; boo friggen hoo.  Get over yourself.  You deal with the hand your dealt in life.  You take the good with the bad and play it out the best you can.  Suck it up and get the hell over it.  If you make it from sunrise to sunset with somewhat of your sanity, and some breaths left for the next day I'd call it a success.  You see it as a failure if you don't have something substantial happen.

We have a difference of opinion, that's fine.  But do not come at me with your shitty attitude and try to bring me down because you want to whine and bitch about who has it better or what you think should've happened today, I don't want to hear it.  Do not tell me what you think I need to do with my life - it's none of your effing business.  If you so much as open your mouth to me with one more comment that drips with disdain it is going to be an all out war between us, and so help me you will be bitch slapped.

Stop tearing me down to make yourself feel better.  It's shitty and ridiculous and frankly I'm tired of you doing it.  Do not force me to get more pissed off because I really don't want to go down that road with you.  Check your shit at the door when you want to come in my house, otherwise you can check your ass out, permanently.

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