Monday, November 18, 2013

Behind Those Eyes

"Every time I see you I look deep into your eyes and it tells me everything I need to know.  You can tell me everything you think I want to hear but your eyes say it all.  They tell your whole story.  You're sad, depressed and undoubtedly lost my dear friend.   

Sometimes I wonder how long you're going to let this charade go on.  When are you going to realize your self worth?  You let yourself get walked on every single day.  And every time you tell yourself "this is the last time I'm going to let this happen" you kick yourself because you said that the last time.  Only you know why you stay.  The way it used to be is no longer the way it is now.  It's so hard to say good-bye but it hurts so much more to hold on to something that has let you go so long ago.  

Its getting harder and harder to hide the hurt.  You're friends are all starting to notice.  You've alienated yourself from everyone.  It's not like they don't want to be there for you, it's that you don't know how to let them be there at this point.  So many have gone already and of the ones who are left, will they understand what you have to say?

Tough call to make on this one.  Maybe it's time to let it all go.  Let all the pain out and let all the hurt go. I'm tired of the way things are.  I'm tired of looking into your eyes and seeing what I see.  I'm tired of the fighting. I don't want to do it anymore.  You don't have control over much, so why not take control of what you can and make it work?!  It just may be time to make yourself happy.  

Can you walk away?  Can you reinvent yourself?  Of course you can!  You just have to put one foot in front of the other and take it one step at a time."  I said to my reflection.  "Maybe someday."

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