Wednesday, November 13, 2013


With Thanksgiving drawing near there are all sorts of things showing up on social media networks that are asking for lists on "what are you thankful for?"  Some people get really into it and others seems to get really pissed that other people do it.  I could care less either way, but that's just me.  I enjoy reading what other people are thankful for.  It's usually the same sort of things, family, friends, husbands, wives, parents, etc. Lately it's been more materialist but in a funny way; a comfy bed, a fluffy blanket on a cold fall night, things like that.

I usually don't participate in these lists so to speak but they do make me think.  Lately things haven't been going so well for me from a health standpoint (surprise) but that is another story and certainly for another blog.  Anyway, with this season of "Thanks" coming up I have given it some thought and with all the crap that's been going on here's what I have come up with.

In the tradition I am of course thankful for my family and friends.  Without them I wouldn't get through the day.  The fact that I can call upon my besties anytime I need them and know that they will be there even though we haven't talked in a while means the world to me.  I hope they know I will always be there for them as well.  I've always been very fortunate to have a lot of friends but a handful of truly BEST friends.  They know who they are and to them, without you, I would be nothing and I love each and every one of you dearly.

My brother who has been the one stable man in my life since birth will always be my rock.  Even though we may fight every now and again and even though we went through a tough time as kids we make it through everything because we have a relationship that is unlike any other.  We know we can lean upon each other no matter what.  My brother is the absolute best there is and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for him and the same goes for me with him.  When I went in for brain surgery I would not go until I saw him, I had to see his face and he had to tell me it would be ok for me to go in. He is without a question of a doubt the best there is, and I am thankful everyday to call him brother.

My parents as a couple everyone knows is not great but separately they bring their own unique talents.  My father showed me how to stand up for myself so if you ever wonder where I get my attitude and perhaps my mouth, thank him.  We butt heads a lot and perhaps that is why, but I am thankful that I have his hard-headedness.  

My mother is the most wonderful woman on the planet.  She gave up everything she ever had to raise my brother and I.  She showed us how to make something from nothing.  Even though she may have come from "the poor side of the tracks" as some may have called her, she made a wonderful life for us, and ANYONE who knows her knows how wonderful she is.  We also butt heads a lot but I think it's because we are so much alike.  I want to show my children as much love as she has shown me over the years.  She is the best mother anyone could ever ask for.  I hope I make her proud.

I am thankful that I am married to the most wonderful man who puts up my shit.  I am very certain that no one else would.  There are days that we drive each other absolutely crazy and some days I wonder how the hell we ever thought getting married was a good idea.  But, I know in my heart he is the most wonderful man and we were made for each other.  We are perfect for one another.  We call each other out on our bullshit, we make each other laugh, we make each other cry, we get angry, we yell, we smile, and everything in between.  I know that no matter what he will stand by me.  Through sickness and in health which unfortunately I am not blessed with, and through all my issues he has stood by me.  Never once has he looked away.  Never once has he backed down.  He has taken care of me, stepped up to the plate and told me we would get through it, and we have. He is my true love, my soul mate, my destiny.  I love you Tom.

My children is what I am most thankful for.  I always knew I wanted children but I never dreamed that they would be this wonderful.  I know we have our days where we argue and they are fighting all day and I want to pull my hair out....but even those days I wouldn't trade for anything.  

Looking into their eyes and seeing their sparkle, their innocence, their magic makes me realize how lucky I am.  I may not have a fancy house, a lot of money, or a cushy job but I am the richest woman in the world because I have them.  They are healthy and happy and that's all I can ask for.  I pray that they don't have any of my health issues, that they live long, healthy, happy lives.  I pray that I can watch them grow up, get married and have kids of their own.  My biggest fear is that I won't be able to.  I am thankful for the time I've already had with them, and hopeful for the time I will get with them in the future. I am hanging on to that hope and thanking God everyday for my time with them.

I am thankful for every minute with them.  I am thankful that they are here with me now.  I am thankful that they love to believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy and all the make believe childhood offers because it goes by way too fast.  Once it's gone, it's gone forever and I am thankful I can share it with them now. 

My wishes for them are long and plentiful and I hope that one day they see that what I am doing for them now is all in connection to make all their dreams come true.  I want everything for them, and I will do everything and anything in my power to make sure their lives are perfect for them.  After I am gone I hope they will hold a piece of me with them in their hearts so they can always feel me with them.    

I am thankful for all those who I can share my life with, especially my family and friends.  I am thankful to those are reading this.  You who read this make me happy to blog.  So thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving :)

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