Friday, November 1, 2013


To Whom It May Concern:

Through the years I have written many letters to many people.  Letters that range from business letters, client letters, to personal letters.  Today I feel it is time to write my resignation letter, but not from a job.  Today I am resigning from a relationship.  A relationship that I should have walked away from years ago.  Since it's obvious the relationship has been over for quite some time now, I feel it's only appropriate to put it down on (electronic) paper as to make it official. So here goes:

There are a million different reasons why I am the way that I am, and I am not in any way obligated to fill you in any of my story anymore.  The bits and pieces of it that you are aware of I'm sure you can manage to put some of it together.  The rest I'm sure you've put together some elaborate story of why I am the she-devil you believe I am.  Trying to make you see any different is pointless and I have no interest in doing so.

I really couldn't care any less of what you think of me at this point.  I am not going to apologize for any of what you think I did wrong, of who you think I am, or of any of my actions that you apparently disagree with.  I am tired of being your excuse for your life.

Life is short as it is.  I am not going to waste any of the time I have left on appeasing you.  You are no longer a priority to me.  I gave you chance after chance after chance.  You continuously disappointed me.  I don't need your brainwashed opinions of what you think the world should be.  None of which I agree with and none of which I want to be around.

I leave this relationship with no interest in ever perusing another one with you again.  Should our paths cross later in life please do not feel obligated to address me in the name of being polite.  I no longer wish to know you.  I no longer care for you.  As of this moment I will never think of you again. I'm not going to say I'm sorry for having it come to this, you've done this to yourself.


No One You Know

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