Friday, August 16, 2013

And that's so me....

A small glimpse into me: I go to physical therapy twice week because I had major back surgery a few months ago.  In order to get to my PT office I have to walk through a gym which is a place I am not the most comfortable going.  Don't get me wrong I am all for people getting physically fit and being active, I just am one of those people who if I was to step foot on a treadmill would have the luck that it would probably short circuit and fry my ass.   I had a gym membership for about 7 years and I went for the first 2 of the 7 and within those years I could probably count on one hand the number of times I actually worked out.  It's a little pathetic I know.

So today as I was waiting to be called in I was watching the people lift weights and it caught my eye that one guy was making a really strange face.  Trying not to be too obvious I looked in his general direction in the mirror so I could watch his face without looking directly at him.  It didn't take me long to realize that this poor bastard had to sneeze but apparently he was in the middle of a set and didn't want to stop in fear of losing count I suppose.

The faces he was making was quite hysterical because he looked like he was either constipated or he just shit himself and was looking for anyone else to pin it on.  But like all good things it had to come to an end.  This poor guy just couldn't hold it in any longer and with epic force this sneeze came out and snot went flying all over the mirrors and the dumbbells flew through the air with massive force.  They hit the ground (luckily not the mirrors) and it made such a sound I couldn't help but laugh.  I quickly snuck back into the reception room so he wouldn't see me laughing because I didn't want to embarrass the poor guy but it was one of those things that if I didn't have a strong bladder I would have seriously needed some new britches.

This is one of those moments where I am thankful that I do not go to a gym because you know some poor bastard is going to slip on that massive goober and fall flat on his ass and probably bust a hip and do you know where he'll end up next?!  Right next to my ass in PT and I'll just look at him with pity and offer up some hand and ass sanitizer cause that's so me....

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