Friday, August 16, 2013

Why? No really, why?

Sometimes I sit down at this computer and I just think about things.  Sometimes my thoughts are deep and meaningful; thoughts about life, my kids, my marriage, how I'm going to make it through the next day dealing with all this pain I'm in.  Other times I'm thinking about the most idiotic shit that comes in my head; why is my fish so loud? I'm hungry, should I pee now or do I wait?, I'm tired, I'm hungry, Do I repeat myself?  It's never a dull moment in my head....

Tonight just happens to be one of those nights where I am asking a non-rhetorical but seemingly unanswerable question....why is it that women can have babies, go through unbelievable amounts of pain with surgeries, labor, feminine issues, honey you name it, we get it, and men who while I'm not saying they don't get SOME problems but no where NEAR the pain women go through and yet they get a cold, or a paper cut and sweet Jesus the world is coming to an end!

I don't get it.  Seriously now boys I am not saying you all don't get sick and achy and while I fully understand how bad it sucks to feel like a pile of crap smashed on the bottom of someones shoes but for the love of all that is Holy grow a pair would ya?

Let's take a look here...a mom gets sick, she still cleans the house, cooks dinner, takes care of the kids, make sure the household bills are paid, gets the groceries, gets the kids to their sports games on time, makes sure the children are bathed, homework done and dishes are done before she sits down for 5 minutes to let that Motrin she took 12 hours ago set in.  A man get the sniffles and suddenly he needs a couch with a bottle of ginger ale, seventeen blankets, fourteen pillows, the remote control and a box of tissues all within reach and if it's not suddenly his stuffy nose is clear enough for him to call out your name a dozen times so you can walk from down the stairs with two baskets of laundry in your hands and a kid on each hip just so you could move that remote an inch closer to him and by God is he lucky you don't beat him to death with it.

Let's say that same mom comes home 3 days after giving birth, doesn't matter which way, either she squeezed that lovable bundle out of her who-ha that sweet little 7lb 2oz baby just felt like a watermelon squeezing through a kiwi good luck eating fruit later....OR she has a nice incision cut along the pubic bone and is either glued, stitched or stapled shut and any little tug, sneeze or stretch is going to pull the shit out of those bitches... not to mention to rigorous pain she just went through to get that baby out...

Anyway so you all just get home and it's time to feed the baby, maybe dad takes a turn it's a cute and giggly, but oh damn it poops!  Uh oh - right to mommy never mind the fact that she cannot sit or pee without it feeling like her world is on FIRE but yes let her do it.  Let her give the baby a bath too - sure she'd LOVE to bend over that damn tub or sink too BRING IT ON!

And boys don't get your panties in a bunch, all of you don't do this, some of you are very nurturing and helpful and take excellent care of your wives/girlfriends and new babies.  My point is that when it comes to pain you are all a bunch of bitches.  Women can take it all and you can't take a paper cut without calling for thirty six band-aids and some kisses from your mommy and I just don't get why.  I mean seriously.

Growing up I always saw men as this strong and buff figure of strength and as I get older I just see men being a bunch of wusses.  My hubby cuts his fingers open gets one little shot and is in bed for two days...come on dude where are your balls?!  His reply - "I took care of you when you got hurt"  My rebuttal "I had 2 c-sections, BRAIN surgery and BACK surgery within 6 months!  Find your balls!"   Just saying...

Again not all men...but a lot of ya.  So why, no really why?

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