Thursday, August 22, 2013

Life lessons, taught and learned....

Sorry peeps but I just have to sound off tonight....

I am slightly irritated and overwhelmingly hurt by certain people in this world who seem to think that just because things didn't work out the way we thought you just think you have the right to walk all over me and say anything you damn well please about me.  Let me tell you a little story there sweetheart.

Once upon a time there was a girl who lived her whole life just as everyone else does, one day at a time. Taking every new day as it comes and every good news with joy and enthusiasm and every bit of bad news with as much positivity as possible.  Then one day something happened to her, she got more bad news than she could handle and she just lost it.  She broke.  She sunk down to the very bottom of her existence and wasted precious time loathing in self pity.

Not many knew how bad off she really was but those who did, did everything they could to pick her up. Finally she came around and realized things could always be worse.  She was still breathing (against all odds) and there was room for improvement so instead of wasting away she was going to stand up and fight for her life back and get back to actually living it.

It took a long time but she did it.  She held onto the shoulders of her closest family and friends who were there for her through the toughest times in her life to date and she eventually found the strength to stand on her own to feet.  She got back into the swing of life and actually started enjoying life again.

With each day she got a little more enthusiastic about life and while she had bad days there was always something positive she tried to think about.  Unfortunately bad luck came her way over and over again so she did get knocked down a few more times but she fought back every time with the help of her family and friends.

There are somethings left inside her that are forever changed and altered that will never be the same. Sometimes she finds herself being bitter about them but she tries not to bring anyone else down about it. Quite often she turns to humor to mask it.

Oddly enough what she thought she had in some people she found to be fake or at the very least not as meaningful through these processes.  Once upon a time someone once told her "there is a reason every single person passes through our lives, every person teaches us a lesson."  I am still trying to figure out the lesson that I am being taught, that I have taught others or that I am teaching right now.  The person who said those words to me has no idea the impact she had on me.  I wish things were different with that whole situation too but I can't change what happened in the past, this is the hand I was dealt and what's done is done.

I don't like when people look at me and say one thing then turn around and whisper the opposite.  And I really hate when people look at me and make sly comments about my situation because you don't live my life.  Unless you have lived in my body you don't know my pain so maybe you should just shut your damn mouth.

I'm not a person to say one thing when I feel another, I'm going to tell you exactly how I feel and I'm not one to judge anybody especially by their disabilities or inabilities.  So maybe next time give me the same courtesy I give you and be upfront about your feelings.  I don't care if you don't like me.  You also don't know me or what I've been through.  I don't need you to pity me, I don't need you to play the game either.    

Life lessons are both taught and learned by everyone.  If you are unwilling to open your mind even a little bit then you aren't going to lead a very lonely and empty life.

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