Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Weight Control....kinda

I just have to get this out...

Obviously I use humor as a tool to get out some of that anxiety, anyone who knows me knows that.  Case in point, one of my many Dr.'s told me a while back that even though she is happy with my weight these days by the Body Mass Index table with my height and body type I should weigh 98lbs.  Well we revisited that the other day and here's how that went.

A little back story first: I am 5'3 and I used to weigh 175lbs at my heaviest...yes I am admitting to that so lets just get it out there and shut the hell up.  I liked donuts and anything fried.  I have me some boobs and after 2 kids well they're more like hackey sacks now, and my abs well they no longer exist and prior to all my surgeries I wanted to loose weight but it was just not in the cards.  I like my food and if I did not eat I was a raving bitch so trust me, you'd rather I ate than didn't....

Anyway, I go and have these two suck-ass surgeries well don't you know I loose about 40lbs when all is said and done.  Great good for me, yay.  I gain 10 back, leave me alone I fricken deserve some cake, I had brain surgery.  So I am falling somewhere in the 142-145 range.  For me that's really good.  I'm happy with it, but my goal is 130 so within the next 6 months I'd like to be down to that WITHOUT having to have another suck-ass surgery.  Of course I can't exercise with my back being the way it is so it's frustrating at the moment and I'm not gonna lie I did down 2 kit kats today to make myself feel better.  Some bad habits die hard, what can I say?!

My doc and I have the conversation about how I'd like my goal weight to be somewhere around 130ish a little fluctuation isn't terrible but I'd like to fall somewhere in there.

Ok peeps here's what I don't understand according to the BMI being somewhere at the weight I'm at NOW I am still overweight.  I was considered OBESE at my previous weight, which yes it was a lot of weight for my build but lets get one thing straight.  My left boob weighs 98lbs ok, I am never going to weigh that so the BMI can kiss my ASS.  It ain't gonna happen folks.

Who the hell came up with this shit anyway?  Look it, I am just happy that I can wear a tank top again and look down and see my feet and not my gut.  So I'm going to go ahead and measure my weight control by that.

I am eating better, feeling great after I know that I am not downing 1500 calories of Mt. Dew a day (yes my friends) it's no longer a case a week for this chick.   I am just so irritated with this shit.  This is why people who diet are miserable you know.....just thought I'd let you all in on that.

Ok that's all I wanted to point out...end rant

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how I missed this one, lol. Yes, the whole weight thing sucks and BMI is a stupid inaccurate tool because it doesn't take into consideration body type and there HAS to be at least 5 legitimate body types. I just go by how I feel period and try not to look at the scale. Being active period is better than nothing. Simple things like taking a walk do add up. Like I texted you last week - we should try to do something together at least once a week for accountability. ;~) That does help... fried food and alcohol are soooo good though! lol A girl can dream of a no calorie world. ;~)
